I am grateful to have the support of my community
Federal Officials
​Anna Eshoo, U.S. Congresswoman, California District 16
Marc Berman, California State Assemblymember, District 23
Evan Low, California State Assemblymember, District 26
Alex Lee, California State Assemblymember, District 24
Paul Fong, Fmr. California State Assemblymember, District 28
Cindy Chavez, Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors
Otto Lee, Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors
Joe Simitian, Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors
John Zoglin, El Camino Healthcare District Board
Rosemary Kamei, Vice Mayor, San Jose
Peter Ortiz, Councilmember, San Jose District 5
Charles "Chappie" Jones, Fmr. Vice Mayor, San Jose
Sheila Mohan, Mayor, Cupertino
J.R. Fruen, Vice Mayor, Cupertino
Hung Wei, Councilmember, Cupertino
Dolly Sandoval, Fmr. Mayor, Cupertino
Richard Lowenthal, Fmr. Mayor, Cupertino
Orrin Mahoney, Fmr. Mayor, Cupertino
Jennifer Shearin, Chair, Cupertino Parks and Recreation Commission
Seema Lindskog, Vice-Chair, Cupertino Planning Commission
Yan Zhao, Mayor, Saratoga
George Tyson, Councilmember, Los Altos Hills
Larry Klein, Mayor, Sunnyvale
Murali Srinivasan, Vice Mayor, Sunnyvale
Linda Sell, Councilmember, Sunnyvale
Richard Mehlinger, Councilmember, Sunnyvale
Lucas Ramirez, Councilmember, Mountain View
Emily Ramos, Councilmember, Mountain View
Margaret Abe-Koga, Councilmember, Mountain View
Anthony Phan, Councilmember, Milpitas​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
State Officials
County Officials
City Officials

"Sylvia Leong is a thoughtful and proven education leader in the community. The children and families of CUSD will continue to be well served by re-electing Sylvia to the Board of Education.”
- Cindy Chavez,
Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors
Education Officials
Maimona Afzal Berta, Board President, Santa Clara County Board of Education
Phyllis Vogel, Trustee, Cupertino Union School District
Lori Cunningham, Fmr. Trustee, Cupertino Union School District
Emily Lee Kelley, Fmr. Trustee, Cupertino Union School District
Jo Lucey, Fmr. Trustee, Cupertino Union School District
Gary McCue, Fmr. Trustee, Cupertino Union School District
George Tyson, Fmr. Trustee, Cupertino Union School District
Jeff Moe, Board President & Trustee, Fremont Union High School District
Naomi Nakano-Matsumoto, Trustee, Fremont Union High School District
Rosa Kim, Trustee, Fremont Union High School District
Stanley Kou, Trustee, Fremont Union High School District
Rod Sinks, Trustee, Fremont Union High School District
Katherine Tseng, Trustee, Los Gatos-Saratoga High School District
Isabel Jubes-Flemerich, Board President, Sunnyvale School District
Michelle Maginot, Trustee, Sunnyvale School District
Bridget Watson, Trustee, Sunnyvale School District
Eileen Le, Trustee, Sunnyvale School District
Peter Landsberger, Board President, Foothill-Deanza Community College District
Pearl Cheng, Board Vice President, Foothill-Deanza Community College District
Patrick Ahrens, Trustee, Foothill-Deanza Community College District
Laura Casas, Trustee, Foothill-Deanza Community College District
Wendy Ho, Board Vice President, San Jose Evergreen Community College District
Jodi Muirhead, Trustee, Santa Clara Unified School District
Albert Gonzalez, Trustee, Santa Clara Unified School District
Bonnie Lieberman, Trustee, Santa Clara Unified School District
James Kim, Trustee, Campbell Union High School District
Carol Presunka, Board Vice President, Cambrian School District
Jorge Pacheco Jr, Trustee, Oak Grove School District
Devon Conley, Board President, Mountain View Whisman School District
Vaishali Sirkay, Trustee, Los Altos School District
Amy Koo, Trustee, Sequoia Union High School District
Chris Norwood, Trustee, Milpitas Unified School District
Jaria Jaug, Trustee, Berryessa Union School District
Florence Wong, Trustee, Burlingame School District
Bonnie Mace, Executive Director, Santa Clara County School Boards Association
Jackie Wong, Executive Director, First 5 California & Trustee, Washington Unified SD

"Leong is a soft-spoken but true leader, someone who makes the right decisions, not the most popular ones. She is needed for another term as the district makes the important transition to basic aid."
- Los Altos Town Crier Editorial Board
September 3, 2024

In her 6 years on the CUSD Board, incumbent Sylvia Leong has shown herself to be a strong supporter of Safe Routes To School (SRTS). When her children were in elementary school in CUSD, she led a walking school bus daily for the children in her neighborhood. She has advocated at Sunnyvale and Cupertino city council meetings in support of safer infrastructure for SRTS, including the Homestead Road full-time bike lanes and Lawson Middle School protected bike lanes. We endorse Sylvia unconditionally.
*Titles listed for identification purposes only
​​​​​​​​​​​Community Members, Parents and Leaders
Jean Bedord, Community advocate
Sophia Chan, Lawson/Monta Vista parent
Tiffany Chan, CLIP parent
Kenneth Chan, CLIP parent
Lois Chi, CLIP/Fremont parent
Agnes Chin, Cumberland grandparent
Tara Dowdell, Miller/Lynbrook parent
Rama Ekkad, Lynbrook parent
Wendy Fong, Lehigh University professor
Lani Honma, Homestead alumni parent
Lucy Howng, Cupertino high parent
Allison Joe, Juntos parent leader
Grace Kong, Cupertino High parent
Edie Lau, PAUSD Reading/ EL Specialist
Liang-Hui Lee, Instructional Aide, CLIP
Wendy Leu, Murdock-Portal parent
Sharlene Liu, Sunnyvale Safe Streets Chair
Alyssa Nobunaga, Eaton parent
JoEllen Poon, Lincoln parent
Sowmya Sathyanarayana, Lynbrook parent
Payal Shah, Murdock-Portal and Miller Middle parent
Maki Takahashi, Lynbrook parent
Christina Thai, Miller/Lynbrook parent
Janet Tsui, West Valley parent
Wilma Wu, Homestead Guidance Counselor
Dawn Ying, Community leader